Bersa AirLite Pancake Holster Patterns

Bersa AirLite Pancake Holster Patterns



Using the AirLite Pancake Holster pattern is pretty simple.

Step by Step

  1. Print that puppy making sure to print at actual size. Measure the vertical and horizontal reference lines and make sure they match.
  2. Cut the pattern out and trace it out on leather (this makes the back)
  3. Cut the sweat shield off and trace the front panel out on the leather
  4. Cut the ears off along the stitchline.
  5. Mark the stitchlines off on the inside of the holster (this is gonna be your glue area)
  6. Glue up your holster
  7. Now, take those ear pieces again and mark your stitchlines on the front of the holster.
  8. Stitch, punch your belt slots, and mold that puppy!


When printing this pattern, make sure your printer is set to “Full Size” (not “Scale” or “Shrink to Fit”). It was designed to fit a standard 8.5” x 11” page, therefore your standard paper is useable, though we recommend using cardstock, as the thickness makes tracing easier. Each pattern comes with a scale verification line to ensure the page was printed properly. Measure the length of the line. If you get 5 inches exactly, your page has printed correctly. If not, check the page size settings on your printer.

Additional information

Bersa Patterns

Bersa Thunder 6 Degree


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